Calgary Zoo Wedding, Calgary, AB

Calgary Zoo Wedding, Calgary, AB

Whenever I think back to a really good wedding I see mental images of photos that stand out from the day.  They rarely have anything to do with the location, and almost always contain images that clearly define the couple’s relationship. Although I have tried and tried to no avail, the moments that create those images can’t be created or contrived, they have to authentically come from the couple. What makes photographing weddings exhausting for me is that I am looking for those moments all day.  Sometimes I am treated to a wedding where its seems all I have to do is put the couple within 5 feet of each other and the “moments” just flow out.  Nicole and Dennis’s wedding was like that.   I laughed so much that my stomach was sore the next day. These two have life figured out and celebrate it to the fullest. They definitely deserved the perfect day they had.

Sisters.Dennis spent his last few moments as a single man milking it for all it was worth.Dennis’ Aunt and Mom.I know the objective of the family portraits is to get everyone lined up and smiling at the camera, but this is just so much better.Calgary Zoo Wedding PhotographerCalgary Zoo Wedding PhotographerDance off between Dennis and his brother in law.

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