Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Wedding Photographer – Ashleigh and Jason

Ashleigh and Jason had a near perfect day for a wedding in Golden, B.C. at the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.  Jason is an accomplished skier so getting married on a ski hill was only fitting.  Here are some of my favourites.  We’ll start off with the girls getting ready.
kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerGrandma was so excited to be included during this part of the day.kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerWe set up a reveal and did some photos at the bottom of the hill before the ceremony.  I loved Jason’s reaction!kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerUp top… the guys killing time before the ceremony.kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerJason’s Mom didn’t even make it past the groom walking down the aisle!kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerAshleigh trying not to cry when saying hi to Mom.kicking horse mountain resort photographerkicking horse mountain resort photographerThe bride’s parents.Golden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographer

Golden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerIt’s really easy to sneak outside and do some photos between courses at Eagle’s Eye, which is great because it means you can take advantage of lighting later in the evening. Golden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographer10 PM !Golden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographerGolden BC wedding photographer

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